The Sesadi Project creative follow on


Producing quality peer-created educational content online

In addition to the skills and knowledge gained by the students, there is a later goal.

After completing the tutorial series, students can attend a workshop to create and develop educational content.

The best way to learn is to teach.

Creatively presenting what the students have learned beyond basic instructions, engages deeper learning.

Quality controlled peer created instructional content is the best and most effective means to engage students.

This develops further presentation and media skills in order to teach what students did and outline what they learned as video presentations.

If so wished, this content may be incorporated into the Sesadi Project tutorial for the students in their school or community group the following year.

Place-based learning

An additional place-based learning option develops local research and skills further.

It facilitates a deeper understanding of how to gather information within a familiar setting.

Helping students understand different scales of learning and the place of the local within a broader framework.

It develops further skills in comparative analysis.

In addition to using secondary sources of information such as the CSO and National Archives, they learn to design and analyse surveys to gather original primary data some of which can be compared to similar European survey findings.

Gathering useful information

Survey data obtained by Sesadi Students at the community level across the country - and EU - can gather information better than any current survey using representative sampling.

The students’ own research interests will both determine the topics and ensure they are of current relevance.

Today the topics might range from experiences during pandemic restrictions, broadband performance and use to online / real-world bullying and the online life of students.

Such data can assist in understanding and solving important issues.

Use of their data in policy formation emphasises to students the importance of correctly gathered information.